The Ultimate Industrial IoT Solution


WakeCap is the ultimate, next generation - IoT solution, engineered to provide time, location, and motion analytics for all site activity.

Our unique smart hardhats connect with the purpose built scalable site-mesh-network to enable accurate and consistent reporting for project management action as well as worker safety on industrial and construction sites.

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With WakeCap you will improve your site productivity, efficiency, and safety. Our WakeCap Analysis Platform and customized dashboards provide detailed insights to your site operations and the ability to constantly monitor:

  • Site workflow

  • Site congestion

  • All activity

  • Workplace safety

  • Employee tracing for health risks, such as Covid-19

  • And so much more

WakeCap provides the site solution for you to make the intelligent decisions necessary for continuous and profitable business improvement. 

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Hardware consists of purpose designed Assets, Anchors, and Gateways

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Standard hardhat ratchet is replaced with WakeCap’s integrated chip solution with 1.5+ year battery life


Anchors are placed throughout the site to ensure optimum connectivity


Detailed location of every helmet is determined through the network of Anchors

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Project layout is divided into direct and in-direct zones to better understand all site activity

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Real-time site data provides insights for manpower workflow and productivity, by trade, job, crew, zone, and more

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Data points are transmitted to the cloud via a standard network for real-time analytics with WakeCap’s intuitive dashboard

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Data continuity is ensured through buffering and redundancy mechanisms built into the hardware

The WakeCap Innovation

Ease of Deployment.

  • A turnkey solution, designed for simplicity

  • No power or internet Infrastructure required

  • No handheld devices, and no extra devices to carry that are non native to the workforce

  • No project timeline disruption irrespective of workforce size or number of subcontractors

  • No Training or on-boarding Required, saving time and money; hard Hat assignment takes less than a minute and is part of the Project Safety Induction

Ease of Maintenance.

  • Battery life of hardhat Assets is 1.5+ years

  • Battery life of Anchors is 8+ years

  • Time and money averted in similar solutions with battery life of only 8 hours or a couple of weeks at most!

  • Live and Predictive Maintenance interface to monitor your hardware

  • Remote support for Anchors and Gateway with firmware updates

Intuitive Dashboard.

  • Customized user experience with tailored KPIs and Reports

  • Ability to track the project data you want, with Live and Historical analysis

  • Ability for different Stakeholders to track different KPIs